How Can Chiropractic Care Treat Neuropathy in Kennewick WA?

How Can Chiropractic Care Treat Neuropathy in Kennewick WA?

Chiropractic Kennewick WA Neuropathy Massage

Neuropathy is a common issue that impacts people adversely, primarily if they work with their hands. Feet and hands that tingle is issuing a warning sign. People who experience this issue should look for resolution using any means available.

Patients with persistent damage or chronic neuropathy in Kennewick WA benefit from electrical stimulation and massage therapy, which are non-invasive and do not require drugs.

After your injury or ailment has healed, you can try some alternatives: chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, massage therapy, and nutrition counseling during a consultation session. Increasing your diet’s nutritional quality can significantly impact symptoms and pain levels.

What Is The Leading Cause Of Neuropathy in Kennewick WA?

The primary cause of neuropathy for most is diabetes, but the condition may result from a few other issues, including chemotherapy treatment.

Tingling of the hands and feet is not an everyday occurrence. It may be time to seek chiropractic help if you are experiencing neuropathy pain and require a chiropractor treatment facility to treat these symptoms effectively.

Where Does Neuropathy Usually Start?

For most people, the sensation of tingling in their hands and feet is a warning sign of neuropathy. Several types of neuropathy exist and are defined by the body parts affected.

What Are The Symptoms Of Neuropathy?

There are ten identifiable symptoms associated with neuropathy. It’s worth consulting with a qualified medical professional if you notice the following or suspect you might have the condition.

  • Feet and hands may become numb or tingly owing to one of a variety of causes.
  • Inadequate balance and falling.
  • Extreme pain and a throbbing sensation.
  • Touch is sensitive.
  • Using your hands results in dropped items.
  • Musculoskeletal weakness.
  • Heavy feeling in the arms and legs.
  • The patient’s blood pressure plummeted dramatically.
  • It’s a struggle to digest food.
  • Sweating in excess.

These signs tell you something’s wrong, and it may be neuropathy. So why wait for a diagnosis if you suffer from the above conditions? Instead, find out your situation immediately so you can receive adequate treatment. Once you understand what you’re dealing with, you’ll be able to develop an effective strategy to mitigate the issue.

Can Laser Therapy Help Neuropathy?

Deep tissue laser therapy helps reduce the symptoms of neuropathy. The laser energy penetrates deep into the tissue, which helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Laser therapy is often used with other treatments, such as chiropractic care to provide the best possible outcome. If you’re suffering from neuropathy, talk to your doctor about whether deep tissue laser therapy could help you find relief. A multi-pronged approach to treatment should help you feel better quickly.

How Can A Chiropractor Help With Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a common and severe medical condition in which the nerves are inflamed and damaged. The symptoms of neuropathy differ depending on the type of nerve damage, which include loss of feeling in hands or feet, tingling, pain, muscular weakness, and difficulty walking or standing.

According to studies, chiropractors can help relieve pain and other symptoms associated with neuropathy. In most people, chiropractic treatment aids in the reduction of neuropathy symptoms. Chiropractors might also assist patients who have suffered a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or TBI.

How Can Chiropractic Care Treat Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a common issue that impacts people adversely, primarily if they work with their hands. Feet and hands that tingle is issuing a warning sign. People who experience this issue should look for a resolution using any means available.

An excellent place to start is with chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care is an effective treatment for neuropathy. A study published by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that those who underwent chiropractic care experienced a significant decrease in their symptoms. The study participants also reported an improvement in their quality of life.

Chiropractic care works by correcting any misalignments in the spine. When your spine is not correctly aligned, it causes pressure on nearby nerves. That can cause various symptoms, including pain, tingling, and numbness. By aligning the spine, chiropractic care can take the pressure off the nerves and allow them to heal.

In addition to the well-known practice of spinal manipulation, chiropractic care may include other modalities such as massage, ultrasound, laser therapy, and electrical stimulation. These modalities can help to reduce inflammation and pain.

If you suffer from neuropathy, don’t wait longer to seek treatment. Chiropractic care provides the relief you need and helps you get back to living your life. It’s worth discussing the condition with your chiropractor to learn about your treatment options. The main goal for most people with neuropathy is a marked reduction in symptoms that will allow them to live and function pain-free.

Deal With Underlying Conditions

The best-known method to prevent peripheral neuropathy is by managing the various medical conditions that increase the risk of suffering from the situation. That includes alcoholism, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Improve Your Healthy Lifestyle

These habits support your nerve health. Adopting practices that support nerve health is an excellent way to fight neuropathy. Taking as many reasonable steps as possible to help yourself helps medical professionals treat you better. There’s little doubt that lifestyle improvements will make neuropathy tolerable.

Eat A Clean Diet – To preserve your nerves in good working order, eat a diet high in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. In addition, to minimize the likelihood of developing a vitamin B-12 deficiency, consume lean red meat, low-fat dairy products, eggs, fish, and fortified cereals. If you follow vegan or vegetarian dietary restrictions or you don’t consume meat or fish regularly, you may want to check out B-12 supplements.

Exercise Regularly – With your doctor’s approval, try to get at least thirty minutes to one full hour of strenuous exercise at least three times weekly.

Avoid Certain Activities – Don’t participate in any acts that may induce nerve damage, such as repetitive motions, cramped postures that apply pressure to nerves, exposure to hazardous chemicals, smoking, and over-indulgence in alcohol.

It’s worth consulting with your chiropractor about treating neuropathy. The key is to get past the worst part of the condition to become productive again. For most people, that means pain mitigation and additional treatment to deal with the underlying problems.

Give us a call to learn more about how we can help treat your neuropathy. (509) 783-8145


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2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Akridge Chiropractic and Laser Pain Relief

8511 W Clearwater Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
P: (509) 783-8145
F: (509) 783-8147